Our mission is to become Australia’s most trusted online flooring retailer. We’ll give you a quality flooring at the fairest prices in Australia.
  1. Fair & Honest - we don't mark up our products and then discount them 40% to pressure you into a decision like other e-commerce stores. We source quality products and provide them to you at fair prices - affordable and fair to you, and fair to us - so we can continue bring you quality products and peace of mind years after your purchase.
  2. Quality Guaranteed - we allow for free exchanges if our products don’t meet our quality standards. We will also honour all change of minds and refunds, as long as the products are unopened and undamaged.
  3. Not Just Online - we’re backed by two leading Australian flooring suppliers with over 40 years of combined trading history. Whenever you purchase from us, you are also fully warranted by both companies.